Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wonder Woman - Not!

I was feeling pretty proud of myself yesterday.  A bit like Wonder Woman, in fact.  And no, there is absolutely no physical resemblance.

After rushing home from my new work location in Springfield (can you say "hello 1-1/2 hour commute?!") and picking up the kids from school, I managed to squeeze in the following during the 1 hour between getting home and needing to leave again to take the kids to Tae Kwon Do:
  1. clean the kitchen
  2. help Renton with his homework
  3. help Emily with her Lego creation
  4. help Micky stay out of everyone elses everything else
  5. make Pierogi Casserole, Spaghetti and Meatballs, a meatloaf, AND fishsticks and applesauce for dinner (only the fishsticks and applesauce were for dinner - the rest was for lunches and meals the rest of the week)
Then, as quickly as Wonder Woman could dispatch her magic lasso, I was brought back to reality.

Micky proudly announced from the bathroom (where he was still fully clothed) that he had pooped . . . in his pants.

Wonder Woman?  Nope.  Just plain Mommy.


twisterfish said...

Trying to post.... fourth attempt (so forgive me if they all show up at once!).

You are indeed Wonder Woman, and your little ones are just doing their best to keep your cover. Can't let the whole world know about your super power, right?

Rebecca said...

Heehee. You are so funny but yes they do have my back. :). Thanks for the encouragement anyway.