Monday, November 7, 2011

Coffee Break

The past few weeks I have had the good fortune to be able to work from home, well actually from the kids' school. It's been a real blessing because I've saved money on gas and I've been able to work in a relaxed environment and even make some new friends.

The school has an amazing cafe and free wifi so I'm set when I go in. Each morning, I'd drop the kids of then leisurely set up my "work station" and, listening to the relaxing jazzy tunes floating through the air, go order my coffee.

But here's the thing. I don't like coffee. Not really. I never have. But there's something about being in a cafe that makes me feel like I should be drinking coffee. So I order it. Fill it with sugar and half 'n' half, settle in with my laptop and get cracking on work. I take a sip . . . and four hours later I end up throwing the nearly untouched, now-cold coffee away. The next day? I repeat the same process. And over and over again.

Last Friday it suddenly struck me - that I don't actually have to order the coffee. I don't like it. I don't have to learn to like it. I don't need it. So there it was. A revelation long in the making. I can listen to my internal voice. It's a good voice. It deserves my respect because I ignored it for years.

Today, I bought a Dr. Pepper, and it was delicious!

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