Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tools and Tips Tuesday: Mommy Cards

This is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE Mommy tools/tips.  Mommy Cards!  (Okay, Dads.  If you really want to, you can get in on this too.  I'm not excluding you.  :)

I can't remember when or where I first read about "Mommy Cards", but I just instantly loved the idea!  A couple of years ago, I decided to jump on the bandwagon (though to be honest I didn't know anyone else at the time using these) and order myself some.  They were so much fun! 

I started putting them to use right away.  When the kids went to birthday parties, I tuck one of these inside the gift and voila! All our information was right there.  When I met one of my kid's friend's mom and we wanted to exchange phone numbers, I just handed her this card.  If I met someone at a social event and didn't want to hand out a stuffy work card, I could choose to hand this one over instead.  It was an instant coversation starter and almost always left such a positive impression.

The first cards I ordered had our address on it.  Sometimes I wanted to give out my email or phone number but didn't really want the person to have my home address, so I made up a second batch with my blogs but no home address.  (Plus I just LOVED the three little birdies on this card! They totally represent my kids! :)

I just can't think of enough fun uses for these cards, and you can get them pretty much for free from Vistaprint (I am NOT an affiliate of this group and I don't get any kick backs.  I just truly love this company!)

This is a card I put together for the kids to take to school and give to a friend when they wanted to schedule a play date.  Again, I just tell my kids, hand this to your friend and tell him/her to have Mom or Dad call or email me.  We'll set up a play date!

Here's an example of some free address labels I ordered for the kids and I for Christmas.
But these are not just great for letter writing!  No!  I put these on the kids' books, on school supplies, lunches, electronics, everywhere I need to put a name or address.  I just circle the name/face of who the item belongs to and job done!  Again, it adds so much character to the chore that it's just plain fun. 

These also make great gifts for the busy moms in your life!  I made some up for my sister who is a photographer and always on the go with her two girls.  Thank you's for teachers, librarians, neighbors, babysitters, the list goes on!

Have fun with this and come back and post how you use your Mommy Cards!

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