Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Break-the-Rules Night

It's 8:15pm and I'm in bed with the lights out. "How," You may ask, "is that possible?!" Simple.

I told the kids that tonight we were having a "break the rules night". We had fish nuggets and green beans with ketchup, and we ate with our fingers. I let them bring their Kindles to the table and watch them while eating.

Then, I quietly explained that I wasn't feeling well and needed to go to bed, and as long as they stayed in their beds with lights out they could watch their Kindles for 15 more minutes then go to sleep.

They went straight up to their rooms and did just that.

So far so good . . .

Sometimes letting the rules go every once in a while (combined with a HUGE helping of blind faith) can work in your favor.

Good night. :)

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