Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thoughts on Thursdays: Moving

There's not really a point to this blog today. I wanted to write. So here's the dribble.

Moving is not easy.  Leaving friends.  Leaving stores you know.  Leaving support mechanisms that it took years to cultivate. 

But it was a necessary evil for the kids and I, because we just weren't making it in the craziness of DC suburb life.

So here we are nearly 1-1/2 months into our new home, our new schools, our new routines.  Some of the things that are working better in NC than in VA:
  1. The kids have TOTALLY adjusted beautifully!
  2. Having the kids' rooms upstairs and mine downstairs creates a sense of (needed) "division" between the adult and the kid world.
  3. Kids get moving easier in the morning and are dressing themselves.
  4. I've got the morning routine down to a science and we are able to eat breakfast together.
  5. I've got lunches and snacks down to a science (thanks to my friend's blog advice on waste-free lunches.
  6. Homework is getting done in aftercare so I only need to check and review rather than fight the kids to do it when we get home in the evening.
  7. The weather is nicer - in general - not sure I really understand why - but it is.
  8. Screened in back porch with alley way for kids to play in allows them to have some extra time at the end of the day outside.  Good for everyone.
Some things that are not quite so great yet in NC compared to VA:
  1. No Tues/Thurs meals and kitchen cleaning.  (Diane and Daughter I MISS YOU GUYS!!!)
  2. No good mother's group that I can ask local advice from . (I still rely heavily on my Leesburg/Ashburn group! :)
  3. No friends to meet up with for a Mom's Night Out.
  4. Target is 25 minutes away.
  5. I am still getting hounded with legal petitions from X and have already had to drive up to VA and back twice in the first month of moving down here.
  7. (I think, perhaps, #5 and #6 might be related.)
Well, that's about it for my thoughts for today.  Ho hum.  But tomorrow is Friday!

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