Monday, February 13, 2012

A Lesson in Self-Care

(Now featured in Yahoo!Voices)

One of the things I will always remember when I first started therapy related to my separation/divorce, was multiple therapists telling me I needed to learn how to take care of myself.  I needed to practice "self-care".  At the time I laughed (internally) because I would NEVER allow myself to be so self-centered that I would just go and "take care of myself" for no good reason (the "no good reason" part was my dysfunctional inner voice talking).  Actually, I was terrified that if I started even "practicing" this, within months I'd be a full-fledged, self-centered, jerk who ONLY cared about myself. 

Well I did start practicing, and despite the fact that I am still really and truly afraid of becoming self-absorbed (which when I stop to think about it is probably not likely to ever happen, even if I wanted it to),  I have finally learned that whole "give yourself oxygen first so you can stay alive to give it to your kids" mantra.  And on really bad days, I've learned to enjoy sucking on that oxygen a little.

Sunday was one of those "bad" days.  For a variety of reasons.  Some visitation connected, others home-repair-connected.  Today was worse.  Spent most of the day at the court house (sorry, no details here).

So, because it makes me happier, let's focus on how I took care of myself:

1.  When I was in Home Depot buying replacement toilet flappers . . . I also bought myself some gorgeous bright pink hydrangeas!  Yay! 
Pink Hydrangeas from Home Depot
*  I also managed (Sunday) to sneak in a long, hot soak in the tub, a deep conditioner treatment for my hair and a desperately needed deep tissue back massage - all either free or from a gift certificate - so no pain to the wallet.

2.  Today when I finally left the courthouse at 4:30 pm (having been there since 9am), with a raging headache and a nauseous feeling in my stomach, I took myself out to a nice dinner at the Blue Ridge Grill in Leesburg.  I had an awesome chicken piccata, and a sinfully delicious chocolate mousse cake for dessert.  (And I took enough of it home to feed the kids, so they had a special dinner and dessert too!)
Yes - it was as good as it looks!
Tonight, despite two pretty rotten days back-to-back, I'm actually feeling happy and relaxed.  So ladies (and gentlemen if there are any reading this) - if you don't practice self-care, learn to.  It is worth it's weight in gold.

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