Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Wonder . . . Wednesday: Protective Orders

There's a lot I could say about this issue, but I'm in a bit of a mood today and just wanted to get the point across.

I wonder . . . when judges will finally STOP a lawyer or spouse from continuing the abuse in court rooms by allowing them to righteously and unabashedly and repeatedly declare while pointing accusing fingers at the victim and scoffing:
  • "It's not like I broke her arm or something."
  • "Yes I said I'd kill her, but what I really meant was how much I loved her."
  • "Maybe if he beat her to death, then I could understand." 
  • "Protective orders are only for violence.  There's no violence here.  I mean where were the hospital records of broken bones and bruised faces?!"
  • "It was just a technical violation."
  • "So he threw her down the stairs.  It's not like she split her head open and died."
  • "Just because he abused the mother, doesn't mean the kids were harmed."
  • "This is just another way for her to try to alienate the father and prevent visitation."
Domestic abuse comes in many forms.  Physical violence is only one side of a multi-faceted increasing problem in our society.  Very often the psychological and sexual abuses are more deeply damaging and destructive because they cannot be seen on the face or worn like a cast.  Society will not acknowledge the abuse because it is "hidden" and the victims continue to be abused until finally, all the threats made above become reality, and the victim dies.

Recommended Reading:

1 comment:

clueless but hopeful mama said...

Dude. DUDE.

Oh man.

I have a few words.

But none of them are for you. (and none of them are family-friendly.)
