Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kids' Cards

Before I had kids . . . I got started in the whole Scrapbooking movement.  I wasn't a zealot, but it was fun and I had time and it was a social outlet and I hadn't discovered Shutterfly Photobooks yet.  So while I didn't go crazy, I did buy a lot of supplies.  I found them the other day in the crawlspace in my basement.  I brought everything upstairs, spread it out on the kids' craft table and announced, "Let's make Halloween cards!" 


Only, not really.  Because I wasn't thinking when I did this (pretty much how I do everything) and forgot about all the little bits and bobs and glues and sparkles and markers.  The kids dove right in with no direction and it was like one of those cartoons where there's a cloud of dust and scissors and scraps are flying about.  The end result was pretty much . . .  nothing.  Well, okay, the kids were covered with glue and sparkles and had managed to "crop" bits of skin off their fingers and hair and shoelaces "trying out" the scissors and shape presses (I can't even remember what those things were actually called). 

Round Two:  After a bit of crying from each of us, I swept everything off the table and started again.  I set out a few sheets of paper with lots of the scraps, a few stickers and one pair of scissors each.  I was the master of rationing the "bits" and they had to "position first, then glue."  Other than that I was hands off.

Success.  It was a fun day and we'll schedule another one soon.  =)

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