Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fake it 'til You Make it

Emily and Micky "faking" being tough
“One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real.” - Klaus Kinski
Writing about the lesson my kids and I learned earlier this week (Say it Now, Mean it Later) I was instantly reminded of the phrase “Fake it ‘til you make it.”  The first time I ever heard that was in one of my counseling sessions while I was going through my divorce.  I’d honestly never heard the phrase before and I thought, “Eureka!”   I’m a single mom of three little kids, is there ever a case where more Faking is going on?  I think not.
So what are some of the things I’m faking until I’m making?  Maybe I’m not fooling anyone but myself, but I think that’s the point.  Here’s a semi-comprehensive Top 10 List (emphasis on the FAKING and in no particular order):
1.       Raising three kids as a single mom is easy
2.       Taking a shower, going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth every day is not a
miracle in itself
3.       Working full-time, getting kids to school, to soccer, to Tae Kwon Do, to CCD,
facilitating kids’ homework, doing my own homework, grocery shopping, fixing dinner,
getting kids bathed, teeth brushed and in bed, is just a matter of having a good calendar.
4.       Taking two college courses at this stage of my life makes total and complete sense
and will be easy to accomplish
5.       I don’t completely envy others who work out at the gym, participate in afternoon
Mother’s Group activities or eat dinner before 7pm every night.
6.       I love doing laundry, dishes, ironing and vacuuming between the hours of  11pm
and 2am
7.       I can keep it all together even when I’d rather scream at the top of my lungs and run
around in circles til some people in white coats come and pick me up
8.       I don’t mind kissing boo-boos, wiping snotty noses and poopy behinds, settling
tantrums and being treated like a nincompoop because I picked the blue floral pjs instead
of the floral blue pjs- DUH! even when I’ve had a crappy day myself and all I want to do
is lie in bed with a glass of wine and watch tv and have a good cry.
9.       Being alone isn’t lonely
10.   I don’t need help
What is NOT on my “Faking” List?
1.       My kids are an amazing blessing in my life
2.       My friends, family and Barry love me
3.       I love me
4.       I will not break
5.       I will survive

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