Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Efficiency with a Two-Year Old? Don't count on it!

Enough Said
Today was going to be my highly efficient day. I was determined. I went to bed by 10 last night, I got up at 6am and was certain I'd be at work by 8am. Efficient, right?

But wait a second! I have a two-year old, don't I? What was I thinking????

So I got up, like I said, at 6am (Micky had crawled into bed with me again last night after having a nightmare, but was peacefully sleeping right now so I was golden) and jumped in the shower.

When I got out, I thought to myself, "I'll just scrub the shower real quick while it's damp." This is where the morning (and my efficiency) all began to unravel. I know, you're probably thinking, duh!

So still in my towel I "quickly" scrubbed the shower stall. Happy with the results I get ready to get dressed. Then notice I forgot to shave my legs. Grrrrr! I hate that! And I REALLY needed to shave today.

Back into my newly cleaned shower I jump and right as I'm lathering on the shaving cream, in saunters Micky. "Cereal mommy! Cereal! Phone! Phone!" He's wanting my attention, clearly.

Now I'm frantically shaving so I can jump out before Micky decides to try on all my makeup or throw all my clothes in the bath tub (yes, it's happened) Little droplets of blood start blooming through the shaving cream. Micky points to his pamper, "poo poo mommy!" which usually means pee, so im not too worried. I tell Micky to go grab a pamper for me while I finish up - trying to buy myself some time.

I'm done, I squeegy my newly cleaned shower once more, and still in my towel I start drying my hair thinking Mickys given me some extra time because he hasn't come back yet. But hold the phone, he's actually awfully quiet - never a good sign with a two year old.

Right as I'm thinking this, Micky walks around the corner. I see the brown smudges all over his hands and legs first. I SMELL it next. Noooooooo!

Yes. Micky had (in all fairness trying to clean himself) decided to remove his pamper and dunk it, repeatedly, into the toilet. He was holding the drippy, poopy pamper in his hands to show me as he asked innocently, "Help mommy?" Right. The "poo poo" had actually been poo poo today. Of course it had.

The bathroom? A disaster! I don't even want to describe it, but needless-to-say, a lot of flinging must have gone on in Micky's attempt to get the poo in the toilet. It took an entire roll of paper towels, windex and Lysol to clean up. (Keep in mind at this point I'm still in my towel.) Meanwhile I'd placed Micky in the tub just to keep him "contained" while I cleaned up. Naturally, he'd decided he wanted to slide down the back side of the tub repeatedly - with poop still on his bum. :(. That was a whole nother round of clean ups.

Well, by 8am, my shower was cleanly scrubbed, Micky's bathroom was cleanly scrubbed, Micky was cleanly scrubbed, I felt like I needed to be cleanly scrubbed all over again, and I was most decidedly NOT at work. But at least we were headed out the door.

And in the end, I may not have been as efficient as I wanted, but I can be thankful for the following:

1. Micky was learning to clean up after himself.
2. The mess was contained in a tiled, no carpet anywhere area.
3. Both bathrooms are clean, so I can check that off my "guests are coming" list.
4. The sun is shining.
5. Micky is smiling, and he gave me the best Micky hug ever as I was getting him in the car.

Life with a two-year old may never be efficient, but it is still, most definitely, good. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny! I don't think I ever shaved my legs when there was a 2 year old in my house. I'm a big fan of pants. ;)